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British Columbia Health Professionals In Shock Over Proposed Bill C36 —Are Their Rights Being Compro

Writer's picture: C. MoriC. Mori


Social media is exploding with comments about Bill C-36 tabled by the BC Health Minister, Adrian Dix. . The link to this legislation is at the end of this text.

People are very concerned.

Below is but a few of the most concerning parts of this proposed legislation with links and section references.

Bill 36 will give the BC Minister of Health the ability to appoint College Boards who are then required to pass bylaws mandating vaccines for any illness the government chooses as a condition of license, and creating an environment of censorship where if you challenge the government’s position on anything you will face discipline and potentially lose your license. It also allows the College to determine who has good character and who doesn’t and to define informed consent. This is legislation you would typically see in a communist or a police state, not in a democracy.

The most pertinent details of the Government’s/College’s powers are left to be disclosed in future regulations free from debate or oversight. Those that are specified are bad enough.

See s.49(1)(b) (v), 49(3)(f), s. 200(1), (2)( v), 3(c) and (3)(d).

See Division 3 starting with s.500, which gives the government power to make an application to the court without notice to the person affected, and in private with the judge, for an order compelling someone to comply with the government’s/College’s direction and to enter premises and search, seize or copy the property of the person affected. They can secure the premises and prevent the owner from accessing or entering the premises.

Also see s. 514(2)(b). Penalties for failure to comply include fines up to $200,000 and jail for up to 6 months for each offence if the person provides false or misleading information (as defined by the College/Government) while performing their duties under the Health Professions Act (I.e., while working as a regulated health care professional). So if a health professional questions the safety and efficacy of the experimental covid injections for example, this would seem to qualify as false or misleading information based on what the government has been saying for the last 2 years, which could result in fines of up to $200.000 and up to 6 months in jail for each “offence”. See s.70(2)(g).

The College Board is mandated to make bylaws regarding informed consent. See s.72(1)(b). The common law already clearly defines this right as does the BC Health Care (Consent) and Facility (Admission) Act. Does the government intend to expand or restrict our rights of informed consent based upon what we have seen over the last 2 years? That remains to be seen at a later date, after the legislation is passed. See s.4(a) and (d).of the existing BC legislation that defines our current rights to informed consent (which have been completely ignored during the “pandemic”) linked here:

This practice of leaving the details to future regulations yet to be disclosed, and allowing the government to pass the main piece of legislation without it, has to stop. It allows the government the ability to keep secret and free from any oversight or debate, the most important aspects of the legislation. See s.519 of Bill 36. All the details of this tyrannical legislation are yet to be defined by regulation made by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

It also gives the government extreme powers to punish, fine, jail and search and seize, people who the government deems to be performing duties they wish to regulate (natural health practitioners for example).

The proposed legislation creates immunity for people who wrongly make reports or take action against a health professional unless you can show the person failed to act in good faith. See s.91 and 94. Section 94 is very poorly drafted and difficult to interpret. This needs to be clarified!

This is very concerning legislation.

Here is the link to Bill 36:


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