BC Nurses Challenge Unjustified Mandates
As several legal challenges are in process through the BC Courts, BC Nurses will also hold the BC Nurses' Union to account. BCNU has intentionally prolonged the process for fair representation of its nurses resulting in the public experiencing compromised healthcare and even death due to critical nursing shortages.
We are BC nurses who believe in Patient Autonomy, Freedom of Choice, Informed Consent Without Coercion and Privacy in all medical decisions. We come from all areas of our province, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, employed and terminated; but with the same common purpose...we oppose the Public Health Order Mandates and the overreaching authoritarian measures instituted by our BC Government.
Thousands of nurses, along with other sectors of healthcare, have been impacted by the Provincial Health Officer’s decision to mandate full vaccination for health care workers in this Province. We are highly educated and trained, experienced and knowledgeable, and committed to protecting our population. Medical evidence confirms that vaccination has not stopped transmission or infection. The continued enforcement of mandatory vaccination has resulted in healthcare professionals not being allowed to return to work resulting in critical staffing shortages. Every day there are new reports of hospital units and ER's being closed due to no staff. Our BC healthcare system has been completely compromised.
Legal Action is moving through the BC Supreme Court:
• Hsiang, Morgan and Vandergugten vs Bonnie Henry and the Attorney General
• Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science in Public Policy vs Bonnie Henry
• Justice Centre vs Bonnie Henry
BC nurses are legally bound to our union for employment representation. BCNU has prolonged the grievance process, blocked all representation of its terminated members, and cooperated with the BC Government to enact Bill 36, making law the mandates that were previously enforced under the temporary Emergency Act and Public Health Orders. The NDP's resistance to returning terminated healthcare workers has created dire staffing shortages severely impacting the public's access to healthcare services. Nurses are leaving BC and moving to other provinces for employment. Our healthcare system cannot function with such a loss of qualified nurses, and yet, BCNU refuses to identify, acknowledge or protect its own members.
We have filed a complaint against BCNU with the BC Labor Relations Board. We travelled to Vancouver on November 2, 2022 and requested a meeting with the union and its members at the Annual Convention. We were denied an audience and the union ensured there was security at every entrance to block our access. We were able to bypass and secure a meeting in which we addressed significant legal and financial concerns. BCNU has refused to respond to any of our questions. Meeting notes are available on the Substack link.
We are using all legal mechanisms to expose the significant concerns that are jeopardizing BCNU members' right to representation. Unions are for the purpose of making working conditions better for its members. This is not occuring.

Recent Updates on YouTube:

On November 2, 2022, a group of 13 BCNU nurses met with BCNU Executive at the Annual Convention, Hyatt Regency Hotel in Vancouver. The purpose was to raise legal and financial concerns with BCNU leadership and ensure accountability in BCNU operations.
Bill 36 to drastically change B.C. health care
BC passes new health law giving NDP government sweeping powers over regulated health-care workers.
A new piece of British Columbia health-care legislation is causing great concern for some medical professionals, especially those who have acknowledged that the province’s ongoing COVID-19 vaccine mandates directed at unjabbed health-care workers have exacerbated the province’s short-staffed and overwhelmed healthcare system.
BC Ombudsperson Complaint: Mori vs Health Authorities
July 26, 2022